Feminized Hemp Seeds
T1 Trump Seedlings
Approximate Harvest: Late September
Average Response Time: 8 Weeks
CBD:THC Ratio: 25:1/35:1
Genetic Profile: The Wife (Male) + Afghan Skunk (Female)
Average Plant Size: 5ft/h x 4ft/d
Field Production/Planting:
Drip Irrigation: Up to 2,500 seeds per acre
Center Pivots: Up to 7,500 seeds per acre
About Varietal
T1 Trump a/k/a T1, Trump, #5 Seedlings
Our T1 Trump Hemp Seeds is a cross between The Wife (Male) + Afghan Skunk (Female). Afghan Skunk strain, a product of the pure indica, Afghani, and super stable Skunk genes. The Wife, known for its incredibly high CBD-to-THC ratio, boasts all of the benefits of any solid CBD hemp flower. Its fresh cherry flavor, coupled with the powerful soothing properties of cannabidiol. Our premium T1 Trump Hemp Seeds are winning the battle of the seeds with their resonant notes of fruit and orange. Not to be confused with the Stormy Daniels strain which claims to be bred from a cherry blossom, our T1 Trump Hemp CBD seed is pure. True T1 Trump Hemp Seed never sleeps. It’s a creative and hungry strain that is field tested and guaranteed to satisfy one and all US farmers.

Germination, Purity Ecosystems
With operating 38 greenhouses with over 100,000 sqft in Monte Vista, Colorado. Along with exact environmental control is critical to efficient hemp seed production. Feminized hemp seeds are seeds that only grow female plants. Breeders produce feminized hemp seeds by stressing female plants with experience. When mature female hemp plants are properly stressed, they produce seeds to help preserve their genetic line. The seeds produced by a stressed female hemp plant contain the same genetic makeup as their mother, including only female chromosomes as well. These feminized hemp seeds tend to be larger and sturdier in hemp content, though their most significant advantage is their lack of pollen.
Our greenhouses are in Monte Vista, CO