Grow hemp in Minnesota in 2022 by following all proper licensing, reporting, and sampling protocol. Though growing hemp in Minnesota using Feminized Hemp Seeds can be a great investment for new and existing farmers, everyone that wants to participate must follow a strict set of guidelines to do so legally in each US state. Bomar Agra Estates with our five years of experience in the hemp planting seasons will explain the precise requirements necessary to grow hemp in Minnesota and buy Minnesota hemp seeds.
Minnesota Hemp Seeds
Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of Minnesota
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In Minnesota
Growing Hemp Biomass, Hemp Seeds and Hemp Seedlings in Minnesota
The Minnesota Hemp Research Pilot Program studies the growth, cultivation, and marketing of hemp. To better learn about hemp in Minnesota, pilot participants are required to provide reports to the MDA regarding seed varieties planted, agronomic findings, and any processing, distribution and sales of products. The pilot program has been administered by the MDA since 2016.
The MDA hosted three listening session around the state in November 2019 to gather input on Minnesota’s Industrial Hemp Program.
The Minnesota State Plan for commercial hemp regulation was approved by USDA and will go into effect on January 1, 2021. Click here to read the USDA Approval letter and the USDA approval certificate.
Minnesota Industrial Hemp Pilot Program Site: Click Here
Minnesota Hemp Grower License Application: Click Here
Minnesota Hemp Processor License Application: Click Here
Minnesota Phone: 651-201-6600
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