Grow hemp in Ecuador in 2022 by following all proper licensing, reporting, and sampling protocol. Though growing hemp in Ecuador using Feminized Hemp Seeds can be a great investment for new and existing farmers, everyone that wants to participate must follow a strict set of guidelines to do so legally in the Ecuador. Bomar Agra Estates with our five years of experience in the hemp planting seasons will explain the precise requirements necessary to grow hemp in Ecuador and buy Ecuador hemp seeds.
DELIVERY: We have a partnership with Coyote (a UPS Company) or FedEx (which we act as a broker) to deliver your Hemp Seeds to you with tracking, liability insurance, and you would pay for the delivery cost in all international countries.
In October, Ecuador’s agriculture ministry (MAG) released hemp regulations, in the form of Acuerdo Ministerial No. 109 (English). This follows the National Assembly’s 2019 decriminalization of cannabis with a THC content of less than 1.0% THC (which entered into forced on June 21, 2020).
The regulations distinguish between industrial hemp (cáñamo para uso industrial) and hemp (cáñamo), also referred to as non-psychoactive cannabis (cannabis no psicoactivo). Both are legal, but their regulation is slightly different. Frankly, the regulations could be a little clearer when it comes to defining both categories. In essence, however, industrial hemp is that used for activities such as fiber production, while “plain” hemp is used to make consumer products.
Under the regulations MAG is tasked with the licensure of entities that wish to participate in the hemp industry. These entities must be either incorporated or domiciled in Ecuador.
Ecuador Ministry of Agriculture (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería) the guidelines for Industrial Hemp
• Ecuador Import and Sale of Seeds
• Ecuador Production and Sale of Seeds and Cuttings
• Ecuador Production of Non-psychoactive Seeds and Industrial Hemp
• Ecuador Production of Industrial Hemp
• Ecuador For plant breeding and germplasm banks
• Ecuador Production and processing of derivatives
• Ecuador For commercialization and export
Ecuador Ministry of Agriculture Program Site: Click Here
Ecuador Ministry of Agriculture Program Application: Click Here