Uruguay Hemp Seeds

Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For Uruguay

CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In Uruguay

Grow hemp in Uruguay in 2022 by following all proper licensing, reporting, and sampling protocol. Though growing hemp in Uruguay using Feminized Hemp Seeds can be a great investment for new and existing farmers, everyone that wants to participate must follow a strict set of guidelines to do so legally in the Uruguay. Bomar Agra Estates with our five years of experience in the hemp planting seasons will explain the precise requirements necessary to grow hemp in Uruguay and buy Uruguay hemp seeds.

Growing Hemp Biomass, Hemp Seeds and Hemp Seedlings in Uruguay

Cannabis and hemp have been legal in Uruguay since 2013. Uruguay allows up to 1% THC in its hemp production. About 400 hectares were planted in 2016, and in 2017, nine companies received authorization to plant around 1,200 hectares, according to the country’s Ministry of Agriculture.

Hemp-related licences are increasing exponentially, jumping from 14 licences in early 2019 to 40 in January 2020, a 185% increase in one year. In July 2020, hemp producer Cplant shipped 524 kilograms of hemp to Switzerland, the first export of hemp from Uruguay. In August 2020, 1,300 hectares were authorised for hemp cultivation in the country.

Uruguay Hemp Program Site: Click Here

Uruguay Industrial Hemp License Application: Click Here

Uruguay Phone: 23098410

United Kingdom Email: stc@mgap.gub.uy

Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For Uruguay